Hi! It’s Jen from Tatertots and Jello. I’m so excited about this week’s challenge — Summer Boredom Busters!
It’s August and my kids and I could use some new ideas to keep us busy this last month before school starts again!
I do have a couple projects I thought I would share that we have loved this summer. The first is the Summer Reading Tent that I made. I decided this year that my kids needed a little “unplugged” time away from all electronic devices. I made the tent out of PVC pipes from Home Depot and a few clearance table cloths from target!
After I made it I realized that it might have been even cheaper to have used drop cloths or sheets. My kids are loving their tent. They have ended up spending way more than the 1 hour time I had originally allotted for the tent. Another thing that I love about the tent is that my kids are better friends now that they have been spending so much time together. I love that!!
Another big summertime success at our hours was my Summer Bucket List. Each day we pick out an activity to try from the bucket. It has really kept us on track to get the things done that were on our list this summer.
This project is printable — so feel free to head over and print some off for your family too!
And the last fun project that we have loved this summer was making giant bubbles. We have had such a fun time doing this and experimenting with the wands and bubble solution to make the biggest bubbles that we can.
What have your successful Boredom Busters been this summer at your house?
We CSI girls would love to know!!!
And come link up TONIGHT at 10 PM EST for our Summer Boredom Buster link and show off YOUR ideas!!