Who’s that girl? About the CSI Girl

I am a diet coke drinkin’, modge podge lovin’, anything that glitters and sparkles lovin’,

I am a thrift store upcyclin’, pj lovin’ crafty girl!

Did I mention spray paintin’ crafty girl’?

               I love holidays and creating my own decor and gifts for them.

Holidays are my jam!

CSI stands for Create, Share and Inspire.

I try to live my life like the mission of this blog, to Create. Share and Inspire and I would invite you to do the same. Never be afraid to share your creativity and to live out your dreams whatever they may be. That is what The CSI Project is all about, so I hope to encourage you on your own crafting journey.

My crafty life changed-well everything actually changed- when I got sick. After a long journey to get diagnosed I finally had an answer but I no longer could keep up my crafting or this blog. So, I took years off. I am still sick and I still suffer at times but what I learned is my passion is truly to inspire and help others. You learn a lot about yourself when you get back to what matters in life. When you get back to you.

For so long, I was caught up in the hustle and bustle of craft blogging. I lost my way. I compared myself to others. I didn’t have the newest, latest craft tools and I felt inadequate. I felt “less than” and then I started disappearing and hiding behind my sickness-my disease.

I dug deep into my life, my passions and I emerged as a new me. A new me who remembered she LOVED to create. My mission is to show you that you can create even if you don’t have the newest, greatest tools. Or even a ton of money. You just need a vision and a passion.

Are you with me?

Let’s get back to the basics of crafting and let’s create, share and inspire!

My dream is that The CSI Project will become more of a crafting, interactive community and not just a blog, so get involved.

Want to do a guest post?

Just let me know!!!!

 Or get involved in Griaffe Grins, The CSI Project charity, go here for more information.


We are spreading grins to Children’s Hospitals, giraffe grins that is!

Come join us every week as we throw a craft challenge at you!

If you love to create and share, then you are sure to inspire!