Hi! I’m Sarah and I blog over at This Crazy Blessed Life. And my blog is just that…a peek into our insane, beautiful life. You’ll find posts about sewing, tutorials, recipes, parties, and of course, my kids!

I can’t wait to share this fun summer salad with you! And it’s not your typical “salad.” I had a dish like this at a Pampered Chef party YEARS ago. When I couldn’t find the recipe…I developed my own! And what I love about this is that you can make it your own too!
You’ll need:
Assortment of Fruit {Go for a variety of colors!}
Flour Tortillas {any size, but 8-10″ would be best
Cinnamon Sugar {mine is 1/4 c sugar with 2-3 teaspoons of cinnnamon}
Cooking Spray
Start out by making your bowls! Preheat oven to 350F. My flour tortillas were 12″ wraps, so I took a knife and cut approximately 1 inch around the whole wrap to make a 10″ tortilla. If you already have 8-10″ tortillas, no cutting is required!
Shape your bowls in a regular sized muffin tin. This is your chance to be creative and make some fun, cute designs! I stuck with a simple three fold bowl with my folds all going in the same direction. I wouldn’t recommend baking more than 6 in a muffin tin that holds 12. This gives them room to not be bunched up!
Next, spray the bowls {not the tin} generously with cooking spray and cover well with cinnamon sugar. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until they are turning golden.
My next task was to occupy my kids, so I gave them scraps and butter knives and let them go to town making their own cinnamon chips!

Now for the actual salsa…don’t blink, or you might miss the instructions! Chop your fruit into small chucks and mix together! That’s it 🙂
I used strawberries, kiwi, mango, and pineapple in my recipe. It would look beautiful with some red grapes or blueberries too! I much prefer fresh pineapple, but I used crushed canned in a pinch. In hindsight, pineapple chunks would have been a better choice. {You can also add a few tablespoons of sweetener – honey, brown sugar, or sugar, but after tasting, I didn’t think mine needed any!}
Wait until just before serving and fill your bowls and serve! If you fill too much before serving, your bowl bottoms will likely get soggy and fall out.
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This Crazy Blessed Life. We are getting ready for a {Dress the Bump} series in June and a {Bringing Home Baby} series in July. {If you haven’t guessed based on the upcoming series, we are expecting Baby #3 in August!} Make sure to click follow to keep up with these fun series!