Featured Kids Birthday Parties

We are loving Kids Birthday Party week and today I am featuring parties from around blog world. I love all kinds of parties but kid parties are so fun! I especially love that first birthday party. They are so fun because the party really isn’t for the kid. Give them a box and wrapping paper and they are happy. I think the party is actually for the parents so they can say over and over, “Time flies” or “We survived the first year!!!”

This first birthday party comes from Morena’s Corner. If you haven’t gotten to know Morena yet, you are missing out. She is crafty, she is creative and she is so sweet in real life.

This sweet girl turned 1 and Morena threw the cutest party. And it is safe to say she enjoyed the cake as well.

I love that Morena took a party kit and added her own special touches. That is getting creative and we love that here!

Go see the full party, here. And be sure to follow Morena. She will surely inspire you!!!

On the CSI Project, we also love boy parties and why not a Star Wars theme. This crafty mama had a great idea for a game and destroying the Death Star and she is super awesome for channeling her inner Princess Leia.

Here is the birthday boy.

I think this Death Star Pinata is so great!

And her twist on Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Explosion on the Death Star. Awesome idea!

Also, I mentioned this crafty mama rocks because she also had the force with her and dressed liked Princess Leia.

I love it! Go see this entire party, here.

The last party I want to feature comes to us from Through the Eyes of the Mrs.

This is the cutest Ice Cream Shop Birthday party! I love all of the details and the cake is adorable!


And I love this table.

So cute! Go see the entire party, here.

Today is party day so get ready to link up your kids birthday parties! We are excited to see what you got! Come on back later tonight for the link up!


I am a craft lovin', Diet coke drinkin' kind of girl! I love glitter and anything leopard print. My passions are crafting, fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and of course my family. The CSI Project believes in the mission to Create, Share and Inspire. When you create and share, you are sure to inspire! Hope you come away from The CSI Project inspired and come back anytime!!!

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