This week is all about organization. This doesn’t have to be a curse word! Although it feels that way sometimes. In January, I always feel like I need to organize every closet, room or just to be honest, MY LIFE!!! Who doesn’t need to organize? Ok, don’t answer that. Some of you may be very organized and I am the lazy one. I always justify myself to Mr. CSI by saying, “This is organized chaos.” This quote may work for me too!
So, this week I am hoping you will inspire me by all of your organizing ideas, tips and tricks. I need a kick in the behind.
Also, this week we have a new fabulous guest judge too!
Meet Jessi.
Her blogging home is
This blog is all about simple and functional ways to turn a house into a home. I love that!!! So many great tips and ideas on this blog. She also share organizational tips so that makes her perfect and highly qualified to be the guest judge this week.
I love her cleaning tips like this Microwave cleaning post. Check out this Before and After!
And you have to love a woman who is not afraid to be real and show what her microwave looks like.
In the spirit of organization, I am loving this Magnetic Spice Organizer.
I have been wanting to do this for so long. Maybe this is the kick I need. Maybe……
You will love Jessi from Practically Functional, so be sure to go by and explore her blog. She is no stranger to The CSI Project. I always love the projects she links up.
You can find Jessi here:
Google +:
Go by and say hi to Jessi and follow her! You will fall in love with her.
Be here tomorrow for more organization tips and ideas! It is going to be a great week!