Guest Judge of the Week{Architecture of a Mom}




It is another crafty week and we have a great guest judge for you! The challenge this week is Recycle/Upcycle proejcts.

Meet Rachel.

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This crafty lady has a blog called

columnbird 001_dark_smallbutton

Here is all about Rachel and her blog in her own words.

I am a full time architect, wife, and mommy
to three girls: a five year old and twin toddlers. Once I survived the first few
months of mothering the twins with a preschooler, too, I realized that I needed
something to be my little bit of sanity–somewhere to encourage me to create.
Between work and keeping up with family, “me” time tends to be in short supply
around here…anyone climb that mountain of laundry yet this week? Basically, I
needed “build” a blog that was a creative outlet…and that’s when I created
Architecture of a Mom!

On her blog you can find DIY and Craft projects. cooking and alot about family.

Rachel has been in the Top 10 on The CSI Project many times and it is hard not to notice how great her blog is.

Since it is Recycle/Upcycle Week, I love this project she did using Wood Deck Samples. She made her favorite quote from them.

Go by her blog to see how she did it.

Also, in the Upcycle mode, she made an Accessory Holder from a Picture Frame.

From this…..

To this:

Great idea!!!!

There is so much more to see on her blog. From  recipes, to Crafts and Family fun!

I know you will love  Rachel from Architecture of a Mom,  so be sure to go by and explore her blog.


You can find Rachel in all of these places:






Go by and say hi to Rachel  and follow her! You will fall in love with her!!!


I am a craft lovin', Diet coke drinkin' kind of girl! I love glitter and anything leopard print. My passions are crafting, fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and of course my family. The CSI Project believes in the mission to Create, Share and Inspire. When you create and share, you are sure to inspire! Hope you come away from The CSI Project inspired and come back anytime!!!

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