Gratitude Keeper


This the season when we typically think about the many things we are grateful for. I love the idea of sharing with your family one thing you are grateful for the entire month of November. With that in mind, I came up with a way to “count our blessings” and share them as a family.

Years ago, I had some pumpkins cut out of a large sheet of bead board. I had some leftovers and decided to use them.

After painting them and adding a stencil, I knew I wanted to make a basket of sorts.


I used some wood pieces to connect them. About 4×4 squares.


For the base, I used a paper plate and just glued on. Easy and cheap!

Use what you have on hand.

I also glued on a small chalkboard with a clothes pin. This will hold what we are grateful for that day.




For the back, I added small clothes pins to hold the paper so we can write our blessings down on and add to the “keeper.”

Then, each day we can pull one out at a time!




This year, my Thanksgiving table is inspired by “gold and white” so I knew that this Gratitude Keeper had to be gold and white as well. We should count our blessings and share them as a family. You may surprised at the little things we can be grateful for.



How will you count your blessings this year?

I love this project because I had everything at home to make it. With a little creativity and a vision, I am grateful that I didn’t have to spend any money. Mr. CSI is even more grateful!


I crack myself up!

Always remember to Create, Share and Inspire!


I am a craft lovin', Diet coke drinkin' kind of girl! I love glitter and anything leopard print. My passions are crafting, fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and of course my family. The CSI Project believes in the mission to Create, Share and Inspire. When you create and share, you are sure to inspire! Hope you come away from The CSI Project inspired and come back anytime!!!

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