Thrift Store Paper Plate Holder Upcycle

I never knew these things existed, a paper plate holder, but when I saw it at a thrift store I had to buy it for $1.99.

What to do with this?!@$

Now, go with me here. I saw a potential face and ears.

Meet Delia.

The name literally means “flowering branch” but I know a woman named Delia,who’s spirit is so vibrant and colorful. Some people you just meet and you can see their bright soul. Some would call this sassy or fiery but I call it beautiful. I didn’t know this woman when she was young, but this is how I imagine her being. At times, her vibrant soul was pushed down by life but she had the courage to stand up for herself and live the life she always knew she could. She knows pain so deep, she knows love so deep and she knows how to overcome. Delia or Dee, as most call her, is my soul’s match even with an over 40 year age difference. True joy in life is recognizing your soul’s match in people that come into your life. You can find your match in any gender, any nationality because we are ALL just living souls on this earth. This is how I see Delia and this is how I see myself. May I always have the courage she possesses to stand up and seek the life I know I can have and to be filled with the love I know I can give. She is struggling right now to heal from surgeries. She is fighting with that vibrant spirit. So, if you are reading this and you are a praying kind, please say a quick prayer for Delia and send healing vibes her way. Please, also enjoy my art interpretation of a bright, vibrant soul that I admire and love.

I started by painting it white all over. Then, painted on my face.

For the cheeks, I outlined in a bright pink and filled in with a very light pink. I cut a regular kitchen sponge to apply the light pink. This is an easy technique to use when you want to lightly apply paint.

In my vision, I saw bright flowers as hair. So, I bought about 10 purple flower bouquets at Dollar Tree and a scarf. Love the colors and purple is one of the real Delia’s favorite colors! Perfect for spring too.

First, I glued on the scarf and tied it.

To attach the bouquet of flowers, I just glued down. Bend the stem and glue.

I’ll admit it. The back looks like the hot mess express but the front is beautiful. I also pulled some flowers off the stem and glued in where I needed to fill in.

I also added an earrings to her. I couldn’t help myself because the “real” Delia always makes sure she has her earrings in. So chic!

I just love these flowers aka hair from every angle!

While creating Delia, I was getting major spring vibes. Warm, bright sun, flowers blooming but when I went to photograph her it was snowing. So, here she is a vibrant reminder that life is good in the snow. Mother nature is always so beautiful and full of surprises!

May this Delis inspire you the way the “real” Delia has inspired me and bring color into your life today!

And if you see one of those paper plate holder at a thrift store, grab it and create your own for spring!

Always remember to Create.Share.Inspire!


I am a craft lovin', Diet coke drinkin' kind of girl! I love glitter and anything leopard print. My passions are crafting, fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and of course my family. The CSI Project believes in the mission to Create, Share and Inspire. When you create and share, you are sure to inspire! Hope you come away from The CSI Project inspired and come back anytime!!!

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