Ever look at something and in your mind you can see it as something else? That is called creativity, a vision or maybe even a little crazy but it makes you a creative, FUN kind of crazy!!!!
Don’t let anyone tell you any different!

At the thrift store one day, I saw this ironing board. It is one of the smaller ones and it was a whopping $3.99. I saw a pencil in my mind and immediately thought Teacher Appreciation gift or classroom decor.

I removed all fabric and was left with just wood. I spray painted the entire thing brown first. Start with a base and then add details.

The eraser was fun to paint with polka dots! I also had a wood hanging that looks like notebook paper from Target. I painted it white by lightly brushing paint on. Then, added blue and red line. I sanded it too. I used wood letters and numbers. You could spell out teachers name here, if you wanted.

I also added cute daisies that I had. I love color!!!!

How fun is this!!! You could add the teacher’s name in the middle of pencil too or the grade so it can be classroom decor.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10, so get creative and show those hard working teachers that you care. They do put up with your kids, after all!!!! Oh and they teach them the important stuff too!
If you see one of these ironing boards at the thrift store, pick it up and get to painting!|
Always remember to Create.Share.Inspire!